Whimsical designs in stoneware.

All dragons love things that glitter and shine! Jewel is admiring the 1" prism held in his 4 paws. He is approximately 3" tall and 4" long. Available in red, blue, green, black, and purple.

$25.00 + shipping

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We brought back this popular 4" long dragling that peers over a shelf or book. He has glazed ears and wings. (blue, green, purple, or black)

$25.00 + shipping

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He was the first dragling we made that is still in our line. He's 4" tall and holds a contrasting ½" glass ball. (blue, green, purple, or black)

$25.00 + shipping

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This clever 4" dragling has an important job - guarding your rings on his tail. Available in blue, green, black and purple.

$25.00 + shipping

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